Ofsted don't have the funds to deliver more 'in-depth' inspections. Inspector pay is down and recent issues relating to the ways in which inspectors conduct themselves when on inspection has shone a somewhat negative light on Ofsted. MPs are calling for 'more in-depth inspections.' I don't know about you, but the most recent inspection I went through was pretty... 'in-depth'. MPs are also calling for less frequent inspections with a longer five-day notice period for schools and a review of 'coasting schools policy.' Is a pro-longed preparation week really necessary? The build up to an Ofsted inspection in some ways is actually more stressful and anxiety inducing than the inspection itself. Ensuring all paperwork is meticulously in order, going over lessons again and again and ensuring messages are transparent and clear amongst both staff and pupils. Urgh, it's the stuff of nightmares. Pay is also a problem for the inspectors, apparently. They are struggling to recruit, as inspectors are preferring to take other roles within academies as the pay is better. Retention is suffering with 42 per cent of HMI leaving to join trusts between November 2021 and November 2023. I'm not sure how much sympathy will be garnered from the teaching community, however. The culture around inspection is a mixture of fear and trepidation, from my experience at least. Perhaps the issue of pay for Ofsted inspectors is not really the main concern, or am I just too cynical? Have your say in the comments or the forum.
Picture courtesy of Schools Week